If you are a graphic designer, you are always welcome to display your designs on this site.
Why not use your hobby/interest to patronize and promote our traditional shawls?
- This is meant solely for designers.
- You can design the traditional shawls on your computer.
- Designs should be based on the colors of the traditional shawls.
- All designer are expected to use our color codes.
- You are free to use any software of your choice to create your designs.
- No photos are allowed. But editing or modifying photos using computers allowed.
- Scanning of free hand designs allowed
- Photos should not be less than 700 pixels, and the size should not be more than 500KB.
- Submit only your original designs. Please don't plagiarise others' work.
- If you are a graphic/fashion designer, it is desirable that you maintain the colour combination of the Nampuan.
- Designs which can be detrimental to the interests of the society will not be displayed/uploaded.
- Designs which are not appropriate for viewing of children will not be accepted.
- To maintain quality, admins have the right to display or remove your designs
- If you make your designs out of someone else’s photos, (s)he/they should be informed accordingly.
- Your design theme should always be related to PAITE
Copyright Issues:
- You alone are responsible for your submissions.
- This is not a commercial website. So you can’t sell your designs/photographs on this site.
- It would be very much appreciated if you can put your designs for free download. But then, it's your choice.
- How long your designs will be displayed on this site is solely at the discretion of the admins (though we plan to keep them permanently).
- Once you submit your design(s), Paite Nampuan (paite.org) will have the copyright to your design(s). But we will never make profit out of your design(s).
Nampuan Colors:
All designer are expected to use our color codes.